First, you will need Celestial Seasonings Raspberry Zingers Tea, Watkin's orange, raspberry and banana flavoring, ground ginger, apple cider vinegar(ACV) and some kind of natural sweetener (Stevia, THM Sweet Blend, Truvia, Swerve, etc.)
I have found the perfect combination of the ingredients and flavorings for us but if you don't like it try different combos until you find what you like. If you aren't used to apple cider vinegar I would start with 1 tbsp and work your way up until you get the right amount.
One tip for those of you who never seem to have enough measuring spoons. I buy the 100 ct. plastic spoons from Walmart and use one for my sweetener and one for my apple cider vinegar. They are almost exactly a Tbsp. and if I accidentally throw the bag of sweetener away with the spoon inside I don't mind losing one of these.
Trim Healthy Mama Hawaiian Punch GGMS Recipe
- 4 Raspberry Zinger Celestial Seasoning tea bags
- 2 tbsp THM Sweet Blend or sweetener of your choice
- 2 tbsp (between 1-4 tbsp)apple cider vinegar ( I use Bragg's and suggest buying an organic brand that includes the mother)
- 1/2 tsp. of ground ginger
- 1 tsp Watkin's orange flavor extract
- 1/2 tsp Watkin's banana flavor extract
- 1/2 tsp Watkin's raspberry flavor extract
Put all 4 tea bags in a 2 quarts of cold water overnight or for a few hours. Remove tea bags, add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Pour over ice and sip all day.
We keep 2 or 3 jars steeping at our house all the time because everyone loves it. I mean what's not to love? It tastes like kool aid/hawaiian punch, no sugar, no carbs, no fat, and ACV and ginger are great for you and your immune system. It doesn't get much better. Now the kids are planning to go the whole month of March without any sugary drinks at all. If they make it they get $15 and so far it hasn't even been hard for them. They love this stuff and I'm happy to lose the $45 if it means they are not drinking empty, sugary calories. What makes this even better is when you are in public and your kids start asking if they can have moonshine when they get home and you agree without a second thought. :)